Breathwork and yoga therapy are two very powerful modalities that facilitate the resolution of health challenges at the core, creating optimum conditions for the body to heal itself on a psychological, physical and spiritual level. Layers of complexity make up each one of us and great care is taken during breathwork and yoga therapy sessions to include all parts of the self just as we are. This may require adopting a trauma considerate approach and you don't need to be flexible or fit to do yoga therapy, it's a very accessible style of yoga.
Health and healing is in our own hands and we must become the master of our own health choices. This principle underpins every connection between facilitator and client at unbound breath & yoga. Private sessions are co-created to ensure your agency, intuition and your body’s innate intelligence is heard and honoured.
This space offers support to create lasting change. It will equip you with practices you can take with you and a place to keep returning when you want to develop your practice amongst community.
We send infinite gratitude that you have landed here and are ready and honoured to support your process with breathwork and/or yoga therapy.


Both yogic and shamanic perspective recognise the cyclical nature of existence. Our ability to cope with stress is often a measure of our ability to flow with the ever expanding and contracting nature of life. Breathwork and yoga therapy diffuse and release tension and stress that may accumulate on a day to day basis and offer practical techniques to self-regulate the nervous system in any given moment.
Unresolved emotional issues or traumatic events that accumulate through our lifetime are stored in the body and can manifest not only as physical dis-ease but also unhelpful thinking patterns or habits and emotional pain. Breath & yoga practices are effective in releasing the bound up energy related to these experiences allowing resolution through the mind-body complex. This leads to the transformation of coping strategies that are no longer useful, increased confidence and the expansion of compassion and sense of wellbeing.

Reconnect to yourself - breath & yoga practices cultivate compassion. Learning to provide oneself with compassion opens the door to self acceptance, self worth and self trust.
Reconnect to your purpose - breath and yoga practices lead to the stillness within. This assists us to discern more clearly what is our truest desires and what is noise from the outside world.
Reconnect to those most dear - when you begin to think and act in accordance with your deepest values, this reflects in your relationships as space is made for honesty, vulnerability and discernment.
Reconnect to your community - once the relationship with the self is restored we are more able to give and receive with our wider community. Connect with those of like-heart here, through various group offerings.

Yoga therapy that is movement based using asana (yoga poses) with mindful awareness assists physical tension in the body to be unraveled and released. It leads to greater awareness of the physical body and the mind-body connection. When these tensions are released the body is able to resume its innate self healing mechanisms improving physical health and energy, reducing chronic pain, increasing range of movement and improving posture.
"There is a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in."
Leonard Cohen

Access your inner healer
Shamanic Breathwork is an experiential tool using a specific breathing technique and a chakra attuned music sequence which helps people to access their inner healer and instigate a personal inner transformational process. This breathing practice can assist one to reach states of consciousness that enable experiences otherwise inaccessible in our usual waking state enabling integration and realisations that effect lasting change. Read more...
Embody your authentic self
The body is the repository of all physical, mental and emotional tensions. We generally wear our tensions instead of feeling them. This shows up for example in posture, chronic pain and tension, poor sleep, digestive problems and heightened stress levels. Yoga therapy is designed to locate and release these tensions, creating an environment for the body to optimally heal itself physically or emotionally. Read more...
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